Instead of waiting for a regular checkup, start paying more attention to the changes and signs your body shows. Among them are:
-Back pain and lower back pain: Many patients diagnosed with liver cancer report having back pain. Sometimes back pain may indicate breast cancer since the tumor presses the chest and the ribs.
– Changed nails: Too pale and whitish nails are often sign of liver cancer while brown or blackish dots on the nails may indicate skin cancer. In addition to this, nail curving may be a sign of lung cancer.
-Swollen face: Many lung cancer patients have swollen or red face due to the fact that lung tumors block the chest blood vessels and restrict the blood flow to the face.
-Sore/skin lumps: Check every skin and as these lumps or bleeds may indicate skin cancer or basal cell melanoma.
-Red/ swollen/sore breasts: A clear sign of breast cancer.
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